Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Honest Scrap Award

I was 'tagged' by Kelley with the Honest Scrap Award. I won't bother tagging anyone, because I think everyone has done this or the 25 things list. So if you feel like it, go ahead & copy & paste this into your blog!

Here are a few things about me.........
1. I only want 1 kid & Lane is trying to convince me to have 3-4. I told him to lay off until I get through the 1st one & then we can revisit the subject.

2. I sometimes forget to button the top button of my pants & then when I remember, I still don't do it. I figure no one can see it because my shirt covers it & it's more comfortable.

3. I can usually out eat guys.

4. I am a road rage driver.

5. My favorite place to eat is Spring Creek because of their rolls & bbq sauce. YUM!

6. Since I don't see my coworkers everyday or my clients 2 days in a row, I sometimes wear the same outfit again so I don't have to do extra laundry.

7. When Lane is in trouble, I give him the "ninja squirrel" eyes. He came up with that name.

8. I probably watch more tv than the average person. The problem is that every day "my show" is on!

9. I would really like to be on a softball team, but no one I know is really into it.

10. I like to celebrate anything & everything. No event is too small!


Regina said...

This is all soooo you....especially wearing things two days in row! Just wait till you have spit up, or slobber, or milk, or crumbs on everything. You will no loner be able to do that one!

Gwen said...

It is always so much fun learning new things about you!!!

No wonder Jeremiah and Lane get along so well. They think just alike. #1 sounds just like Jeremiah and I. He's all about having 4 kids and I'm constantly telling him "can I just get through this pregnancy first!"

I use to be a road rage I just drive aggressive! Anyway, I hope you are feeling much better these days :o)

the tatsaks said...

Ok the ninja squirrel thing is hilarious. You are going to have to show me that when I see you next month.