Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What To Do

Lane & I have had this same conversation over & over & obviously have gotten no where with it. I need to find a hobby or something to keep me from watching tv all day long! Right now, I usually get home from work between 3 and 4. So I watch What I Like About You x 2, Gilmore Girls, Reba x 2, Still Standing x 2 & then my normal prime time picks. Pathetic I know. The thing is I would rather NOT watch all that tv from 3-7, but don't know what else to do. Yes I could work out & I'm trying to pump myself up for that, but what else? I was trying to think what I did before I got married, but I realized I used to go to school, then straight to work until 11pm, so I never had time for anything else. I need some ideas people!


the tatsaks said...

I dont know what you are talking about...I would enjoy all of that TV watching because in a few more months there will be alot less of that. Plus you dont want to get hooked on a hobby that you wont have much time for after the baby. I say stick to the hours of mindless TV watching. I love Reba!!!

Regina said...

Okay, I have the EXACT SAME tv-watching schedule!!!! But instead of Still Standing we change it to Seinfeld. We have declared Thursday a NO TV day because no shows that I watch come on on Thurs nights. Try something like that.

Bexie Funk said...

its true once you have kids the tv watching days are few and far between but i had the same problem. i took up reading (very cheap) you can get books really cheap at and i also sew now. or you could look up new recipes to make. that's what i do. hope it helps!

The Rowes said...

Enjoy it now... when the baby comes, you will miss the mindless hours of tv. Or I guess it would be better to be more productive. You could always finish your Christmas advent calendar. Heaven knows I need to finish mine :). How about making some baby blankets? Just a couple of ideas, but I love tv too so I am probably not the one to give advice. Tonight will be my TV night... I can't wait!

{lex} said...

Maybe there is some type of service project that you can be a part of at church. I know that the humanitarian center in SLC is always needing leprosy bandages. You could make them and then donate them.

Jake Harris said...

Get some books on photography and learn to take incredible pictures. There are a lot of books with self tutorials and you can usually practice on things in and around the house so you wouldn't have to go too far. Then you'll be able to take wonderful pictures of the baby!

Fernando said...

Maybe b/c I'm not a TV-aholic, I'd suggest some of the following (I should take my own advice b/c I spend too much time online).

- Exercise
- Read one book per week (or every two weeks, if that's too ambitious)
- While watching TV, try doing some cleaning around the house (never been to your place, so maybe you're already a very clean person)
- Take up something like sewing or photography
- Learn a second language :)
- Visit a museum when it's free (Thurs evenings)
- Since you're having a baby, making some blankets, burp rags, etc.

Check out my friend's blog for some ideas:

Allison said...

OK, once you have that baby, you will not have time to watch t.v., so I say enjoy it while you can!!! Life will drastically change!! Maybe you can start scrapbooking....I love it and started both of the kids books before they were born with their ultrasound pictures, preg. pictures, etc.

We need to get together soon! We need to take advantage of the fact that you live within 30 min. of us, especially since you won't probably always live here. AND, we have a Spring Creek BBQ within 10 min. of us!! Tempting??

ChelseaSalomone said...

You could try cooking. Do you like to cook?

Jami said...

You could read, or even better nap. But I think you should really enjoy the relaxation while you can. Once the baby comes, you won't have as much free time or energy, especially once there is more than one.

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

Read a book, go to the libaray, go for a walk, start a new hobbie...start making things for the baby, I also remember you saying that liked to toll paint...maybe you could start that up again. could also go and visit CRAVE a cupcake shop that is so yummy!! YOu wont reget going.

(It's off of post oak and it's in the up town shopping center.)

Alys said...

How do you have time for tv? There are weeks I go without ever having the tv on. Between teaching, my masters, the young women, my dogs, and sean I am so busy.
If I had time this is what I would do (waiting for summer break).
My ideas for hobbies:
1. Read- If I had time I would read. I love to read children novels, never really pick up anything on an adult level other than the scriptures. If you need suggestions, I have plenty.
2. Scrapbook- very time consuming and lots of fun.
3. Make cards- less time than scrapbooking, but still way fun.
4. Workout- keep you and the baby healthy, need i say more?
5. Cook- try new recipes. Sean and i got so many cookbooks for gifts that we used to pick out 3 new recipes a week and try them out. it was a lot of fun.
6. Sew- You can make some things for the baby. I would make blankets or curtains, sheets, anything.
7. Temple- you are close and you can do inititories (sp?) by yourself.
8. Volunteer- i am sure there are tons of places.
9. Babysit- Take Dominic for the night. I am sure Brian and Christina would love you, and they can pay back the future.
10. Journal- This is a goal for this year. I need to write more.

Okay, I think that is plenty of ideas.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

K I didn't read all the comments so I'm sure most of these are repeats, but here's some:
1 exercise already you dope. the baby needs it. ;)
2 make cards for future. i have a slew of these - i make like 30 at once then i don't have to buy a card all year.
3 put together your 72 hour kits. i just did that and it's way cheaper than buying the pre-made ones.
4 learn to sew. i am trying, i suck at it.
5 read babywise. the best baby book ever.

Debbie said...

haha this is so funny! when I was on bedrest for 3 weeks I picked up just about the same TV schedule!! love it! :)

hey, you're pregnant...that means you can milk it. you'll have a hobby in several months...your baby! :)

The Lindsey's said...

Tate tells me the same thing so what do I do? find more shows..that will teach him to try to take away my tv. You could always go shopping everyday, you'll be watching tv in no time.

Anonymous said...

It has gotten so bad at my school! We have a new principal.. I think my whole team is leaving :(

Anonymous said...

Okay- I don't know why that came up as anonymous- I'm logged in!!