Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Out of the Woods?

This past Saturday was torture for me. I threw up 10 times & seriously thought I was going to die. Up to this point, my morning sickness hasn't been too bad, but it seems like the weekends are my worst nightmare. To make matters worse, Lane was out of town for school, so I had no one to comfort me (he's wonderful at that). It was so bad that I was thinking about calling Christina to take me to the hospital. I was worried about getting dehydrated. I also unlocked the top lock in case I died, so Lane could get in without having to break the door down. Sure I was probably a bit dramatic, but when Lane got home that night, I balled for about 1o minutes because I was so happy.

On a better note & the reason for my title, I think I may be out of the woods or close to it. I'm sure it's probably bad luck to even mention that, but yesterday I felt so good! Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I've been worthless. But yesterday I felt good all day long. Good enough to come home & clean the kitchen & bathroom. Good enough to go for a 30min walk. Good enough to eat a steak dinner. Could it be?! No more sickness? I'm 1 week from being out of my 1st trimester, which is when things should start getting better, so the timing is right. Keep your fingers crossed that this will keep up.


Jami said...

You know that you can be sick even in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. Did you call your doctor? They all have answering services. They take the message and then call you back. You should have your doctor on speed dial.

KT said...

Oh Jalei! That's so sad you were alone and feeling yucky. Hopefully you'll continue to feel good! If not, then there are some great medications out there! I had a friend who was sick her whole pregnancy and I think she took medicine almost every day so she could feel like a normal person.

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

Poor...thing...You should have called me!!! I hope that things will get better for you!!!!!

Gwen said...

I'm so sorry that you were feeling that bad. I'm just glad that you are okay and lived to tell about it. I certainly hope that you are out of the woods too!

Paige said...

I kept thinking mine was gone and then it would return up until week 16. So let's hope yours is done but if it sneaks back up on you, just don't let Lane leave again so he can take good care of you.

Bexie Funk said...

That's awful! I really hope you're out of the woods. I don't get sick but I usually feel much more normal when the second trimester hits! Hope you continue to feel better!

Haddy said...

Jalei -
First of all, hi! Secondly, congrats on the pregnancy. I hope you start feeling better soon...

The Baumanns said...

I am so blessed that I was never sick! I am so sorry you had to endure that alone. I hope it is over for ya! And you need to keep blogging about your pregnancy...people love to hear about it!

The Piersons said...

I'm sorry, sounds pretty bad. And your prescription doesn't help at all??? If its not you need to get a new one. I've had that stuff they give cancer patients, it'll take it away.

But at ten weeks, when the baby starts making its own progesterone, a lot of people start feeling WAY better, so you could be done. I sure hope you are.

Regina said...

Grrrr. I just typed a long comment and it didnt go thru. anyway, it sounds like you are nearing the finish line so hang in there! then you can go CRAZY and make up for all that lost eating time!!

The Lindsey's said...

It will get better..It doesn't feel that way when your sick but it does get better..I'm glad you were able to walk and eat steak those are 2 great things....

Donnie and Laura said...

wow, I can't believe you're already that far along. Wohoo! I hope you're done being sick too!

Christina Bassi said...

I'm upset you didn't call me. You poor thing. That must of been pretty horrible and scary to experience with no one there. I'm glad you are starting to feel better. Next time (hopefully there isn't one)don't hesitate to call.