Monday, February 16, 2009


The other day I saw someone with a bag of skittles, caught the fruity aroma & just had to have some. So I went to the store & bought a bag. Not a fun size bag, not a personal size bag, but a family size bag! I will say that they didn't have a smaller size. So for 2 days straight I popped skittles into my mouth. They were so tasty, but I did start to get a little sick of them towards the end. And that's when it happened...I immediately notice that something is different about my tooth. I feel around back there with my tongue & discover that those darn skittles removed one of my fillings! I started to freak out. I have a giant hole in my tooth & I can't stop messing with it. So this morning I called my dentist & am going to get it fixed on Tuesday. I was hoping I could get in today, but no such luck. No more skittles for me. In fact I don't want to eat anything until it's fixed because I'm paranoid that food will get stuck in there. Gross!


the tatsaks said...

Uh Oh! At least it does not hurt!

Regina said...

Oh my gosh that sucks!! Darn those Skittles!

Regina said...

haha..."fruity aroma"

Gwen said...

I love skittles and I don't blame you for partaking of them!! Sorry about your tooth. Good luck with the dentist and make sure you tell them that you are pregnant. I would hate for you to have an xray and it adversely affects your precious little baby.

Donnie and Laura said...

That is scary. Anything about my teeth messing up (ie. fillings, breaks, chips, falling out, etc..)scares me.

Nicole said...

I broke a tooth last week. I feel for you. When the craving hits go for it. Enjoy