Sunday, May 10, 2009


I find it odd that the night before Mother's Day I have this dream. It's the first time I've ever dreamt about Elliot. And in this dream I'm a horrible mother! I keep forgetting to feed her! I hope this is not foreshadowing.


Debbie said...

awww. I think that's one of the most common dreams when you're pregnant. don't worry, you'll be great! :)

Jami said...

You have more vivid dreams when you're pregnant. I'm sure you'll be fine.

tHe BrOwn FaMiLy said...

I also have crazy dreams like that!! No'll be an Awesome Mom!!

The Wallace Bunch said...

I think its normal...I always dream that I am changing one of the babies diapers and its really Nina(our cat)! And sometimes I dream that we are all running from something...its more of a nightmare really! But the strangest thing is that in all my dreams I only have 1 baby?????

the tatsaks said...

That is too funny! You are going to be an excellent mommy! And there is no way a baby will LET you forget to feed them!

Bexie Funk said...

trust me she'll let you know when she's hungry you'll be fine! and i have weird dreams all the time!

Regina said...

I was going to say the same thing....there will be no forgetting to feed. They loudly remind you when they are hungry. Also, when I was pregnant, all my dreams were opposite. Like, I dreamed I had a girl. So it probably means you're going to be an AWESOME mom!!! Happy mother's day by the way!

The Lindsey's said...

You won't forget to feed her cause she won't let you