Friday, May 15, 2009

Puppy Love

A couple of months ago, we watched "Marley & Me" & ever since then have been talking about getting a dog. And then the other day we saw a girl walking her mini dachshund & we fell in love! That will be the dog we get, whenever that is. Our timing is really bad. We would LOVE to get one now, but we'll be moving across town in a month, so we wouldn't wan to confuse it. Then a couple of months after that, we'll have a little girl to keep us busy. And I would rather get a dog after we already had a kid so the dog doesn't get jealous & start acting crazy. Then we really need to wait til Elliot gets a little older for a couple of reasons...1) I need to see if I can successfully take care of a child & 2) I want to be able to give enough attention to the dog. And of course ideally we would like so have a yard for the dog to play in. And if we wait for that to happen, it will be 2 years from now...ugh! So I guess it's safe to say that it will probably be a while, but when you see this little face, how can you not just melt?

Look at those puppy eyes.

And is this last one not just the cutest thing? He's all ready to play!

Reason goes out the window when you're this cute.


Kelley and Addison said...

they are the BEST dogs you will ever have!! they are so much like people and have such a sweet personality! just want your love and attention!

Alys said...

I love my dogs! They are so much fun, but it is true that they need space to run around and play. Ours love to run around the fields, chase the birds and cats, and find all kinds of poop and gross stuff.
I am a little worried about Dixie and the baby, though. I tell her often that she is going to be replaced soon. Kind of sad, but that is how it has to be. I just hope she is nice with the baby, or else it will be bye-bye little chihuahua, so sad.

Bexie Funk said...

They are really cute, but just remember then you'd have to clean up its poop and baby poop. One seems to be enough. That's my reason i'd never want to clean up after a dog kinda weird seeing as i do it for my kids all the time. That's probably why.

Jami said...

You know you already have a dog that you should take.

Regina said...

HELLO! You already have that exact same dog at home that you pawned off to your parents! I am not sure you are fit to own another dog!

the tatsaks said...

They are cute but you defintitely should wait! Elliott is going to be 10 time cuter!

Allison said...

Yeah, I would definitely wait on getting a dog with Elliot on the way. You will be so busy and won't have time for a dog. Our poor dog is so neglected now with 2kids! It will be good to get one when Elliot is older and you have a backyard. But, you can always borrow Remi if you want! :)