Monday, August 10, 2009

37 weeks 4 days

I had another growth scan today & Elliot is in the 35th percentile. Right now she weighs 5 lbs 14 oz. If she holds out until the induction, she should probably be around 6 lbs 8 oz which I think is pretty average. Although I'm only dilated to a 2, I am 70 percent effaced. My doctor made it sound like she wouldn't be surprised if she comes early. Maybe because I went from 50 % to 70% in a week? I don't know. But I know of several people who have been dilated to a 2 & stay that way for weeks, so who knows.


Regina said...

That's awesome that you are at a 2!! Hopefully by the time you induce you will be a 4!! You're progressing pretty well for not even having any contractions! I had Braxton Hicks all the time.

Allison said...

Glad to hear you are dilating! That will make your induction (if you make it until then) easier and not as long. I started dilating(and effacing) 1 month before both kids were born and gradually dilated more each week. But, I had some contactions too. You never know what will happen! Babies tend to have their own plans! Emerson surely did!

Gwen said...

2 is good! It won't be long now mommy! I was at a 2 on a Thu. By the next Tue, Scarlett was here. I was also at 40 weeks when my water broke. That reminds me, put towels and garbage bags in your car RIGHT NOW!!! Technically, you are full term, YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Yea! Hopefully you have better luck than me....I have been a two for three weeks and started at 40% effaced, went to 80% and have been stuck there. I haven't had any contractions yet either; what's taking them so long?!

Jami said...

Never got past 2 with any of the girls, but it made the inductions go better.

Alys said...

Good progress. She will be here so soon!

the tatsaks said...

That is so crazy you are already at a 2! That seems crazy to stay like that for a week!

Haddy said...

Wooohooo! Good luck, Jalei!

KT said...

That's good progress! How exciting!

Jaymie and Justin said...

You never know. The progress can happen all very quickly, so be prepared for her to come at any time.

Christina Bassi said...

Come on Elliot! I hope you have her early so we can be there. Go walk up some hills with Lane. I think that worked for me. :)

Debbie said...

so exciting!!! and im glad that you haven't had any braxton hicks! my cousin went to the hospital for them. i, also, had no idea they could get that close then just fade away. her ob said it wasn't very common.

cant wait to see what/who she looks like!! :) said...

Wow! That is awesome that you are already dilated to a 2! Good luck and I will pray that everything goes smoothly for you and your baby. Can't wait to see pictures of your precious girl!