Sunday, August 16, 2009


Normally I would NEVER post pictures of my feet (I get teased about them constantly...Mike & Regina), but I had to for documentation purposes. As you can see, they are SO SWOLLEN! I've always had thick ankles due to spraining both of them twice in the past. But this is beyond that. I don't even have ankle bones anymore. They resemble something more along the lines of tree stumps. I have to say they haven't looked like this for too long, maybe just the past couple of weeks, which I am thankful. Anyway, this is just one of the many perks you get for being pregnant :)


Regina said...

That's so funny! But the good thing is when they go down a few days after having the baby, you will think you have the skinniest feet of anyone in the world. I totally did.

Christina Bassi said...

That looks uncomfortable. You poor thing. I didn't really have to go through that mainly I think because it was winter time. I had a friend who swelled so much she couldn't fit in her wedding ring. So she picked out a big fake blinging ring for the rest of her pregnancy.

Allison said...

I wish I would of taken pictures of my ankles/feet when I was pregnant to document it. It's wierd because I was severely swollen with Landon for almost 3 much so that I had to wear shoes 3 times bigger in size and could not wear any rings (everyone was so concerned about my blood pressure but it was always normal). My shoes even left indentation marks and the swelling didn't go away until 1-2 weeks after Landon was born. Now, with Emerson, I had little to no swelling! Crazy! Must of been the way they were laying inside of me because they were both the same size.

I'm counting down the days until Wednesday. Can't believe it's almost time for Elliot's arrival! Please don't hesitate to let us know if you need anything when you are in the hospital or once you are at home (I know your mom will be there the 1st week). We are here for you!

the tatsaks said...

That looks painful! Luckily they will go down really fast afterwards! Have a good week!

The Whites said...

Your pretty lucky. That's not too bad. Mine seemed so huge. And even my calfs were enormous. But that was one of the first things I checked after having Zane. And sure enough, within a couple days there were back to normal. Hope everything goes well for you.

Gwen said...

Bless your heart!!! Are you still able to wear heels?! I never had swollen feet but I can only imagine the discomfort. Can you still wear your wedding ring? Hang in there :o)

{lex} said...

My ankles are not swollen but I do have pregnancy enduced "carpal tunnel syndrome" my hands are constantly asleep. I haven't been able to get the tingling feeling out of my middle fingers for the past 3 weeks. It is so annoying. I took off my wedding ring because I was afraid that it was going to get stuck and I would have to have the ring cut off. I hope all goes well this week! :) Here is to maybe having our babies on the same day. We love you and Lane and hope all goes well. Can't wait to see pictures.

Jami said...

Have you mentioned them to your doctor?

Alys said...

Lane told me you were a little swollen. I am sorry. So far only my left ankle has been swelling, and it is just a little. Hopefully as it starts to cool down I will be okay. But, won't your swelling leave once the baby comes? I hope so.