Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hillbilly Teeth

No need to buy those comical hillbilly teeth because my kids have the real deal. Ok, so it's not that bad :) If you're looking at Elliot, her front right tooth on the right corner is chipped. And today I noticed that Davis' front left tooth on the bottom middle is chipped. Both due to falling down. Ugh! Thank goodness they're baby teeth, but they still have a LONG time to go before they start losing teeth. Unless of course they fall hard enough to knock one out, which at the rate we're going is very possible for my children. Luckily you really don't notice either one, but as they get bigger you probably will. Very annoying as a mother who wants her kids to look nice.


Alys said...

Harrison's teeth got all chipped from him grinding them when he was little. I think they have kind of smoothed out at this point. I am grateful we have a family of dentists and orthodontists to take care of our kids teeth.

KT said...

My kids don't have chips, but they have teeth that are discolored due to falling down. Like you said they are baby teeth so they will fall out eventually, but it bugs me too. I thought it was just my clumsy children that had teeth issues. I'm kind of glad to hear that other kids have similar problems.

Christina Bassi said...

Hah hah...that's funny. I had a friend who's kid did fall down at three and lost one of his front teeth. He stiill doesn't have his adult tooth in to replace it. He is the cutest thing in pictures.

Jami said...

Matilda's front tooth is black from falling. It comes with kids.

Brenden said...

LOL! My niece has a chip in her front tooth from falling down on top of her toy stroller. Oh, well! It's just part of being a kid. Your teeth are jacked up at one time or another! :) I'm sure you're probably the only one who notices, anyway.

Debbie said...

LOL! Awwww. Poor things. Every time our boys fall down I immediately look at their mouth to see if they're teeth are still there. By some miracle, they each still have them all in tact....for now!!