Friday, May 14, 2010

Because I'm Bored...

What is your husbands name? Lane
How long did you date? 6 months before we got engaged
How old is he? 31
How long have you be married? 3 years
Who is taller? Lane by a foot
Who eats more? This is a toss up. I eat A LOT, but I guess I'll give him this one because sometimes he will make himself snacks after we've had a meal & I'll still be full.
Who is the better singer? Me. I barely ever hear him sing...only in church.
Who is smarter? Lane's a genius...seriously.
Who does the laundry? I do.
Who pays the bills? I do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're facing the bed, then Lane.
Who mows the lawn? N/A because we live in an apartment. But if we did have a lawn, it would be Lane's job.
Who cooks dinner? I'll say 60%-40% Lane, but he probably thinks he does a lot more than that.
Who drives? He does.
Who is more stubborn? Me. Lane is very passive.
Who kissed who first? He did. He almost gave up on me because I would never give him the green light. Luckily he held out.
Who asked who out? He did. Although he claims the 1st time we went out wasn't a "date", he still asked me out the 2nd time & so on.
Who proposed? Lane. He came up to my school on a teacher work day.
Who is more sensitive? Neither one of us are very in, we don't get our feelings hurt easily.
Who has more siblings? If you count his steps, then he does with 11! But otherwise I beat him by 1. I have 5 siblings.
Who wears the pants? Probably me, but I feel I am very open to whatever he wants.


Jami said...

I'm glad that you thought mybpost was boring. I enjoyed doing it.

Alys said...

That gave me a good laugh.

Gwen said...

This was so cute!

Jocelyn said...

Very cute. And wow, y'all have big families!