Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This may be a hot button topic

*I am not a real political person. I may occasionally watch Fox News when Lane has it on, but that does not make me an expert. The following is just my opinion. I do not mean to offend anyone. If you don't agree with me, don't feel the need to make a comment. It's not going to change my mind...and I think it's rude because this is my blog & I can say what I want. Again, no offense.

So I saw a story on Yahoo Sports about the Phoenix Suns wearing their "los Suns" uniforms to make a statement about the happenings in Arizona. This caused me to think about all of that craziness, which caused me to get all fired up. I think it's completely ridiculous that there have been riots & uprisings about this issue. I understand if they're against racial profiling (ex: pulling someone over without reasonable cause). However, the real issue is about legal vs. illegal. Don't we have laws for a reason? Why should they get flack because they're enforcing them? It does not mean that we hate Latin Americans. We just believe that they need to be here legally. I'm not a hater. I just believe in following the rules. I think Glenn Beck says it best "America, this is what you have to understand: equal justice, not social justice. Equal justice of the law demands that law-breakers not be rewarded for their illegal activity, that instead they be treated like everyone else."


Allison said...

Oh my, I get fired up about this stuff too! I couldn't agree more! Since our new lovely president has been in office I try to limit my Fox News watching (and other shows, news, etc.) as it just fires me up even more. What is happening to our country? I could go on and on but I'd better not! :)

Fernando said...

I haven't read the AZ law closely, but I'm not opposed to punishing individuals who break the law, including illegal aliens. Yes, I know many of them are seeking a better life. However, many break other laws and should not be here. In addition, I think our country needs to do a much better job of allowing immigrants into the country.

As for "our lovely new president", I don't know whether to take that as a sarcastic comment or not, so I'll keep my mouth shut.

Regina said...

Ha! You are so funny! los Suns. Are you kidding me?! Ridiculous. It should not bother anyone to have to show proof of citizenship if they are actual citizens. And it's not racial profiling when something like 95% of illegal immigrants are hispanic....it's statistics. It's math. DEAL WITH IT!!!

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...


Missy said...

It's funny you say that about the Suns because I was telling John last night we should root for the Suns in the playoffs since the Mavs are out. But I hadn't heard about them calling themselves Los Suns yet. LAME.

My biggest issue is that people are assuming every police officer or law enforcement personnel is going to be racially motivated to pull people over. Just so they can catch someone that's illegal? That's just saying that all police officers are racist and obviously that's not the case. Plus, most people who complain about the law haven't actually read it.

Trust me, I could go on and on...

Gwen said...

When in Rome, do as the Romans do! We have laws and rules for a reason...to protect this great country of ours. As U.S. citizens, if we have to prove our citizenship when we re-enter the U.S....why shouldn't they?

Despite the current economic state of the U.S., we are still light years ahead of other countries. Something about that is attractive to foreigners. I wouldn't care if half of Mexico wanted to come to here. The law is and should continue to be to stop by the immigration office first :o)

Alys said...

Well said. And, it's okay to be racist, you're from Texas! LOL. Just joking. I tell people that Im from Texas, so yeah, I'm a little racist. Then they don't know what to do. Then I laugh, and tell them I'm kidding.
I'm not too political either, but it does bother me. Get here legally and then you are welcome. If not, stay away because we are spending our taxes to feed, cloth, educate, and provide medical care.

Jocelyn said...

I totally agree... Arizona is just enforcing a law that's already on the books. I don't really care what ethnicity you are: if you're not legal, either become a citizen or get out.

Bexie Funk said...

that may be the first non-asinine thing Glen Beck has ever said. but yeah i'm with you on the subject.

Elizabeth said...

I agree with you, having paid lots of money to be here legally! Allowing and supporting illegals ii reality supporting the gangsters and drug lords who terrorize them once they get here. If you're seeking a better life, come in through the front gate! On a sort-of related note, I read an article today about kids being kicked out of school for wearing American flag t-shirts on cinco de Mayo. Apparently they were disrespecting Mexican Americans on their heritage day!

Laura Weight said...

Sadly, it's a complicated issue. I can totally see both sides of the issue. As one having gone through the lengthy/ very expensive process of getting the greencard/ legal status, it's very complicated ( also depending on which country u are coming from, ect). You have to shell out thousands of dollars, lawyers ect. I agree with Fernando-- the us makes it very difficult for immigrants to legally enter this country. which is fine, I guess.. And for good reason however, they need to come up with a better system that helps people be able to enter this country legally. In some part they have created this problem and have turned a blind eye so long and have made immigration so comlicated that it's resulted in this!

Debbie Feller said...

Well said Jalei!!! Elliot is ADORABLE!!!!