Friday, May 14, 2010


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E has now started crawling. Lane predicted May 5 & I said May 8th. On the 5th she was only taking 1-2 steps & then going down on her stomach. By the 8th it was around 4-5 steps. Every day we would say, "This is the farthest she's ever crawled!" And now, she can pretty much go wherever she wants. I wish our apartment had more carpet for her. I always feel bad when she ventures off the rug, which is all the time. I don't want her to get bruises on her knees like I get when I'm crawling around fishing out toys from under the sofa. Anyway, here are 2 video clips for you.


Alys said...

Well, Harrison will have almost no room to crawl at first. So I don't know what he is going to do.

On Mother's day our niece who is 1 is not crawling. She is so effecient at rolling that I don't think she wants to roll. Anyway, she had rolled off the carpet abd kept going on the hardwood floor into the kitchen. I don't think it even bothered her that it wasn't soft. So Elliot will probably be fine with whatever space she has.

Gwen said...

I love how she spat out her pacifier at the end of her crawl! That little crawl tuckered her out didn't it?! That was funny.

I use to be concerned about Scarlett's knees too. You could hear them squeak on the kitchen floor and in the foyer. It drove me nuts and I would feel so bad for her. Then one day, it hit me. "She's perfectly fine. It's bothering me more than it is her." I'm pretty sure that if E was having any issues on the hard floor, she would be screaming out of discomfort and telling you all about it!

Regarding my last post, you are one smart lady! Also, thanks for thinking that I look younger than 35 :o)

Donnie and Laura said...

That is the cutest crawl-- she's so wobbley still!! You could try those baby leggings if you're worried about her knees, they might be a little protection.. but then again it might be too hot for those by now.

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Oh my gosh Jalei. So cute! Charly's knees are always red and raw, too. I LOVE how she goes after her pacifier!

Debbie said...

their knees are so tough, jacob preferred crawling around in our kitchen on the cooler tile than the carpet! i was nervous at first but he was just fine. she's doing great! love how she just spit the paci out afterwards, haha.

Allison said...

Go Elliot! Now the fun begins! You will find yourself even more worn out chasing her around and keeping her out of things. At least you have a small area to contain her in. She's growing up so fast!

{lex} said...

Elliot is so quick. I am so excited to see a little video of her. She is sooooo cute. She is going to be running around before you know it. She sounds like a very determined girl.

Christina Bassi said...

Yea! That's so exciting! Dominic really got a kick out of your video. He can't wait to crawl with Elliot.

Allison said...

I forgot to tell you that Emerson LOVES the Little People Castle you got her! That's one of the few Little People items we don't have and I almost bought it for her. It's her favorite and she takes it everywhere with her, even in the car. Thanks!!!! Oh, and I never even noticed the wrapping was ripped off and opened by the kids before I could even see it. :)

Crystal Stanworth said...

wow she's getting around really well! so adorable!

the tatsaks said...

Way to go Elliot!!! Big steps!