Monday, May 17, 2010


Let the record show that Lane has let Elliot fall off 2 things now. A week ago it was the couch. He was sitting RIGHT NEXT to her & still she managed to slip off without him noticing. And today it was the bed. I set her down & told him to watch her. In the time that it took me to use the bathroom & wash my hands I heard a loud thud. Sure enough it was my sweet little baby crying on the floor. I was SO MAD at him. Why couldn't he just protect her for 2 seconds? And his excuse...I got sidetracked. What kind of excuse is that? Luckily neither of the surfaces she fell from were very high. But I'm afraid she will land wrong & break something. Yes, I'm sure one day I will think back & laugh at his inability to multitask. But for now, I'm thinking about her. She shouldn't have to cry over that.
**Side note--Lane was supposed to go to the bank & work out, but came home early because he felt bad about it.


Jami said...

Happens to the best of them.

Allison said...

It has got to be a "dad" thing! That has happened to both kids under Jason's watch....both fell off our bed which is pretty high onto the wood floors as well as the couch several times when they were E's age. I remember being so mad at him and upset, but it's memorable now...a part of parenthood. Guess they can't multi-task as well as moms!

Debbie said...

poor thing!

haha, I thought you were going to say that Lane didn't work out and go to the bank because he got "sidetracked". Poor guy.

Gwen said...

Poor everyone! I'm glad I wasn't in Houston when you erupted! At least Lane felt bad about it.

I missed you at Hunter's farewell yesterday :o(

Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Totally not just Lane.

Bexie Funk said...

don't worry my kids have fallen off of much worse stuff, but really that just shows I'm a bad mom!

the tatsaks said...

I actually feel for him due to my most recent incident:)

Elizabeth said...

Matt has let Dennis fall several times. He even has a scar to show for one of them! Still, they learn to fall on their own- D has fallen several times while running and one day she'll fall on your watch. It's happened to me.

Lindsey said...

Yikes! Glad she was okay! (And I'm so sure that that kind of stuff will happen to poor future kids)

Regina said...

Yeah, it is so sad but it totally happens. Kelly rolled off his changing table once while I was bending over to get a burp rag. He rolled right down my back and didn't even notice. Other than that (and the stairs incident) he has never fallen because we always kept him on the floor!

Alys said...

Yeah, Sean dropped Harrison while trying to balance the heavy weight in his hands (a near impossible task) and he hit his nose on the large desitin tub. Harrison bled. It was so sad. So, it happens with everyone.