Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Family Night

Yesterday, we had ourselves a little family night. You would think every night is family night since we're always together, but last night was more official since I gave it a name & had a plan in place. We invited our friends Christian & Lauren over to join us. We had a delicious dinner made by yours truly. I can brag about it because it's probably one of the only things I cook, flautas. And every time I make them I call my mom to get the ingredients, even though there's only 4. But I was very proud of myself for not getting Lane's help once during the whole process. I'm sure he was glad too. After dinner we enjoyed cookie monsters & then played The Newlywed Game. I printed off a bunch of questions that we all had to answer. I love these type of games because you get to learn new things about your spouse & it's usually pretty funny. For instance, Lane FINALLY knows that my favorite flower is a Tiger Lily. Now I have told him that on several occasions but for some reason it never stuck. Lauren helped out a lot by bring me Tiger Lilies when she came over (thank you by the way). I then waved them in front of Lane's face so there would be no confusion. Luckily when that question came up in the game, he got it right :)


Jami said...

Sounds like fun.

Lindsey said...

Awww how fun!!

Christina Bassi said...

I agree! Your flautas are really good! Sounds like a fun night.

the tatsaks said...

Fun times! I dont think I have ever had your flautas?

Regina said...

Ya, you need to make those flautas next time we come down.

Aaron said...

I should get your flauta recipe, I don't know how to make them.

Yes I was worried about my milk and Carson seemed like he was wanting more after he got finished eating. I noticed it more on certain days, so I started giving him a bottle about once a day. I can't think of anything I was doing differently but I could tell I didn't have as much. It is better now that I can give him so much other food. I'm impressed that you are pumping, that is a lot of work!

PS - this is Haley, not Aaron. :)

Oh and oh my goodness how cute are all those grankids in your family. The little boy is Justin and Jamie's right? He just looks so handsome with all those beautiful girls.

Jocelyn said...

How fun! Now that I'm a parent too, I see lots of games and family nights in my future too!

And yum, you should post your flauta recipe.

Alys said...

You are so good to invite people over. Maybe someday I will, like when I have a house. And, I should get the flauta recipe.

Laura said...

That made me laugh about the Tiger Lilies. My favorite is the Stargazer Lily. It took Scott a couple tries to realize that there are several types of lilies and they aren't all the same. :)