Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oreo Truffles

I can in no way take credit for these delicious little treats, however I do want everyone else to know about them! Lauren made them for us the other day & we just loved them. So now I will pass the recipe along to you. There are only 3 ingredients. It's super easy, but messy! Maybe that's because I used a mini Cuisinart & had to keep transferring cookie crumbs back and forth. A full sized one would really have come in handy. I wish I would have taken a picture of them, but I ate them all...sorry! Click here for the recipe.


Alys said...

I got a big Cuisinart food processor for Christmas and haven't used it yet (not enough room, but once I get my house...). This will be a great one to try.

Regina said...

I have been making these for years. And I swear I have made them for you. yes, they are good. I dip them in white chocolate though.

The Piersons said...

Thanks for the recipe link, there are some good recipes on that blog.

Also, Carson loves for me to pretend to eat his hand too, I know its kinda weird but if it makes them laugh, I'm sure there is no lasting damage. :)

Debbie said...

anything with oreos or cream cheese is pretty much divine!! :)

Christina Bassi said...

I am so excited to make these! Thanks!